Monday, September 26, 2011

A Simple Birth Plan? My Birth Story

So this is a long time in coming, but I've been asked by several people about my birth story.

So it all began on the evening of May 28. I had begged Jason to go out with me that night (it was his bday and mine was the 26) for a 'last night out'/'birthday bash'. He was exhausted from a long day, but I really wanted to go to the Airshow/Sunset Symphony/Fireworks on the river that evening. He finally gave in, and we ended up having a great time, but because of the post-show traffic, we didn't get home until midnight. On the long ride home, he told me he thought it was a great idea that we went out that night. I joked that it was a good idea, as long as my water didn't break that evening (I wasn't due for another week).

That night, I slept on the couch for the first time because I could not get comfortable in our bed. Not long after I drifted off to sleep, my water broke! It was 1:50 am! I called the hospital right away and they said I didn't have to rush, but to pack up my things and head over to the hospital soon. So I thought to myself, I can take a little nap, allow Jason to sleep longer, then wake him up, help him pack (I was already packed), and make brownies for the nurses (I heard this was a good idea to keep the nurses coming to your room)!

Anyhow, I got off the phone, sat in the recliner, and realized I had already started having contractions. I began to time my contractions, and they were 3 minutes apart lasting 1 min 5 sec. Around 3:00, I woke Jason up. I was barely able to function! I have never seen him take a shower or pack so fast. Oh, and I didn't get to the brownies. 

We arrived at the hospital around 4:45, and they had me in triage around 5:30. They checked me and I was 3cm and 80% effaced. After lots of questions, they rolled me out to a Labor and Delivery room. I labored for a while, and it was definitely doable, up until 7:45. Then I asked the nurse to check me. I was 5cm and 100% effaced. I asked if I could get in the shower at this point and they let me.

I was in the shower from 8:15-9:15 and this was the absolute worst part! Jason stood outside the shower and I was pretty much yelling at him that this was the dumbest idea we ever had, and that we were adopting the rest of our children (we opted for zero drugs).

The nurse said I had to get out of the shower at 9:15 so she could monitor the baby. At this point, I did NOT want to lay down on the bed, it was so incredibly uncomfortable! I told her I wanted something, anything to take the edge off. She said she would check me and then we could see about that. After she checked me, she said I couldn't have meds because I was 9.5cm. I didn't believe her! In one hour I went from a 5 to 9.5? I actually asked her if she could physically knock me out.

Anyhow, the doctor came in, without her scrubs, and she checked me (I don't think she thought the nurse made an accurate check). While she was checking me, I yelled at the Doctor to get him out! She said that I was going to get him out because I was complete and it was time to push! I pushed for 20 minutes and the kiddo was out. The entire process took about 7.5 hours (water breaking to holding baby).
The nurse told me later that with a second child (provided we don't adopt the next kid), it can go almost twice as quickly. Guess I won't wait that hour in the recliner next time!

1 comment:

  1. Great story, Erin. So glad you shared it. I'm glad you got to the hospital and vetoed the brownies-hahaha. It helps to know what to expect! I don't want drugs either, but I know it's going to be the most pain imaginable. Maybe I can get Matthew to wear some football pads or something-lol.
