Saturday, May 12, 2012

Album Sneak Peek

I have been working with Margo B. Smith in designing the artwork for her new album, Alleluia Through It All.

The songs were written as she watched her father losing his battle with cancer. On her website, she states, "It is difficult to watch a loved suffer, but God is faithful and loving. He stands near to comfort us. We just need to turn to Him." She wrote these songs as encouragement to herself as well as to those who may be going through similar trying circumstances.

I will post a followup when the album is released, along with a link of where you can sample/purchase her cd.

In the mean time, check out her website at

Sweet Pea

A few months ago, I designed this logo for a gal who is opening up child's apparel shop called Sweet Pea. Tagline: "maternity. nursery. baby. and beyond." 

The "beyond" includes carrying specialty items that are hard to come by (like pump parts, wubba nubs, etc.). It is in the works and everything I have heard sounds extremely innovative! I'm excited to see Sweet Pea hit their niche and the word spread like wildfire! 

I will keep you posted with their launch date, location, and future projects!