Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gadgets and Giggles

Okay, for you new and future mamas, here are just a few gadgets that we have found invaluable in the last 4 months.

Gadget #1: Ergo Baby Carrier (Performance). It is light weight, breathable, and easy on the back (unlike the Baby Bjorn which I found out the hard way). Its stylish enough that mom can wear it with just about anything (comes in gray and green), and its manly enough that dad doesn't mind sporting it.

It has a nifty rain hood that comes out of the pocket and attaches to clips on both should straps, conveniently covering baby's head. It also brags multiple ways of carrying baby (and toddler): front, back, or hip. A++!

Gadget #2: Sophie the Giraffe. Sophie is a teether that was invented in France in 1961. It is extremely popular, and I see why! Brady has been using it since 3 months (granted, I had to stick Sophie's neck in his mouth at first, but Brady has caught on since then and can do it himself). Sophie also squeaks, which makes Brady (and Spalding) smile. Its made of 100% rubber, so its safe for them to chew on and doesn't taste all that bad. It also sports contrasting spots, so Brady loves to just stare at it!

I give this little guy two thumbs up! The only down side? Sophie isn't all that cheap. She can run up to $20! Thank you, Patricia, for buying this gift for Brady! It has been a life saver.

Gadget #3: Leacho Cuddle U Nursing Pillow. Okay, it mayy seem like your normal boppy, however, this pillow comes with a harness which makes all of the difference. You can let baby use the pillow without it, or, when they are smaller, it helps hold them up so they don't slide off of the pillow. It also doubles great as a nursing pillow, oh, and a booty pillow for post pregnancy so mom can sit on it (sorry, tmi). Dad can also use it as a giant neck pillow if you are ever on the road and he needs a good nap!

And a little PS Gadget: LOVE the Wubbanub pacifier. Brady has used this since he was 3 weeks old and loves to hold and look at the puppy! He's super easy to wash as well. Just throw the pup in the washer and voila!

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